Home Delivered Meals 525-05-30-33

(Revised 1/1/14 ML #3399)

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The purpose of home delivered meals is to provide a well-balanced meal to individuals who live alone and are unable to prepare an adequate meal for them self, or who live with an individual who is unable or not available to prepare an adequate meal for the recipient.


At a minimum each meal must meet the most current meal pattern established by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Dietary Guidelines for Older Americans.


Service Eligibility, Criteria for

The individual receiving the home delivered meal will meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be eligible for one of the following Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community Based Services, Service Payments to the Elderly & Disabled, or Expanded Service Payments to the Elderly & Disabled.
  2. If requesting home delivered meals under Service Payments to the Elderly & Disabled or Expanded Service Payments to the Elderly & Disabled the client must not be eligible to receive home delivered meals under the Older Americans Act. Individuals requesting home delivered meals under the HCBS waiver are not required to use Older American Act meals first.
  3. Lives alone and is unable to prepare an adequate meal or lives with someone who is unable or unavailable to prepare an adequate meal.



Recipients cannot receive more than 7 hot or frozen home delivered meals per week.


Standards for Home Delivered Meal Providers

See Standards for Qualified Service Providers 525-05-45














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